
Prices & Charges

Goods and Services you receive from ( Groomurz Inc ) ( P14 Inc ) and any Third-Party provider that provides services conducted through the Groomurz Mobile App or Groomurz Website , may result in ( “charges’ ) . Prices displayed to you when requesting services or purchasing goods may be inclusive of retail prices charged by the Third-Party Provider and fees paid to ( Groomurz Inc ) ( P14 Inc ) . 

( Groomurz Inc ) ( P14 Inc ) will enable your payment of the applicable Charges for services or goods obtained through your use of the Services. Charges will include applicable taxes where required by law. Charges may include other applicable fees such as delivery fees, service fees, product return fees, cancellation fees, government-mandated fees, fees retaining to water, estimated or actual tolls, and/or surcharges. Further, Charges applicable in certain geographical areas may increase substantially during times of high demand or due to other marketplace factors.

With respect to Third-Party Providers, Charges you incur will be owed directly to Third-Party Providers, and ( Groomurz Inc ). Payment transactions for selected products or services are processed using a Third-Party Provider (Stripe Inc ) services. By accepting these terms and conditions you are accepting the terms and conditions of Stripe, Inc.  Stripe, Inc is the payment collection agent, and payment of the Charges shall be considered the same as payment made directly by you to Groomurz or the Third-Party Provider. Payment to Groomurz or any Third-Party Provider of goods or services shall occur at the time the service provider completes the requested service and or delivers the requested merchandise. Submitting payment through any of the (Groomurz Inc, Platforms) You retain the right to request lower Charges from a Third-Party Provider for services or goods received by you from such Third-Party Provider at the time you receive such services or goods. A Third-Party Provider also retains the right to request higher Charges from you for services or goods provided. For example, a Third-Party Provider that is a merchant may collect lower or higher charges where the actual services or goods provided differ from the products originally requested, including in connection with differences in quantity, weight, Service type or item type. Subject to requests from you to lower such Charges from a Third-Party Provider, you agree to pay such higher or lower Charges associated with such service or product differences. (Groomurz Inc) , (P14 Inc) will consider in good faith any request from a Third-Party Provider to modify the Charges for a particular service or good. This payment structure is intended to fully compensate a Third-Party Provider, if applicable, for the services or goods obtained in connection with your use of the Services.

There also may be certain Charges you incur that will be owed and paid directly to Groomurz App or its affiliates. For the avoidance of doubt, Groomurz App does not charge a fee for you to access the Groomurz App, but may charge you a fee or any other Charge for accessing services or products direct or from Third-Party Service Providers. Even if not indicated in the Groomurz App, the charges for services or prices for products displayed may differ from the prices offered or published by Third-Party Providers for the same product or services, including as may be offered or published at a physical location operated by a Third-Party Provider, and/or from prices available at other third-party websites/mobile applications. Prices for products and services displayed may not be the lowest prices at which they are sold. The products or services prices displayed through the Services or fees charged by and paid to  Groomurz App may vary. 

All Charges and payments will be enabled by Groomurz App using the preferred payment method designated in your Account, after which you will receive a receipt. If your primary Account payment method is determined to be expired, invalid or otherwise not able to be charged, you agree that Groomurz App  may use another available payment method in your Account.

As between you and Groomurz App, Groomurz App reserves the right to establish or adjust Charges for any or all services or goods obtained through the use of the Services at any time. Groomurz App will use reasonable efforts to inform you of Charges that may apply, provided that you will be responsible for Charges incurred under your Account regardless of your awareness of such Charges or the amounts thereof.


Charges paid by you are final and non-refundable, unless otherwise determined by Groomurz App and the Third-Party Provider assessing the Charge. If you have any requests for cancellations, refunds, or returns, or if you think a correction should be made to any Charge you incurred, please visit the “Help” tab in your Account to initiate such requests within 30 days after the Charge took place or Groomurz App will have no further responsibility and you waive your right to later dispute the amounts charged.

Promotional Offers

Certain users may, from time to time, receive promotional offers and discounts that result in different amounts charged for the same or similar services or goods obtained through the use of the Services, and you agree that such promotional offers and discounts, unless also made available to you, shall have no bearing on your use of the Services or the Charges applied to you. Promotional offers and discounts are subject to change or withdrawal at any time and without notice.


Except for amounts provided by you through the Services as part of the “tip” feature, ( Groomurz Inc ) ( P14 Inc ) does not designate any portion of your payment as a tip or gratuity to a Third-Party Provider. You understand and agree that, while you are free to provide additional payment as a gratuity to any Third-Party Provider who provides you with services or goods obtained through the Service, you are under no obligation to do so.

You may be responsible for Charges, including without limitation, for transactions that could not be completed properly, arising out of or in connection with your failure to comply with these Terms.

[email protected]

This document was last updated on May 16th, 2023